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Looking back at an exciting time!

I've recently been taking stock of my life and my career. Looking back at what I have done, and looking forward at what I would like to do. You have to do both together really, that way you see what you enjoyed and what you didn't and then you can work towards the good stuff!

This led me to thinking about 2013, probably the most exciting, most exhausting and perhaps most career defining year of my life.

During 2012 and 2013, I attended entrepreneurship training alongside my Chemistry PhD. This was daunting and a big time commitment. However, in 2013, we got to the finals of the Royal Society of Chemistry 'Emerging Technologies' Competition. At the Dragon's Den style pitch, we were quizzed on the business plan for our research idea. At the time, we hadn't explored this that much, and the event allowed me to put my new found entrepreneurship knowledge to the test! We were announced as the winners of the competition! Here is a video that Chemistry world made about us.

to be continued...

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